The seeds that started my journey…

Through the years, I’ve tried to ease stress through a variety of creative outlets. Slowly, my love of creating, the pull towards nature, and this deep passion for learning started to intertwine. Eventually my path led me to dig deeper into the natural world, and I signed up for my first herbal medicine course in 2020.

Nature was calling me home.

Herbal invitations intentionally-crafted for every journey.

We all have different histories & face different challenges - and the modern world has created a great disconnect from the Earth and our true selves.

I know what it feels like to be stuck in a cycle of darkness, just wanting to feel better. So when I found the doorway into the light, I knew I needed to reach back my hand and help others through.

I am here to offer support as you move through the stressors of life and the feelings of overwhelm. Each product is created to be a gateway to the foundational part of your being, helping you tap into the very foundation and strength of yourself.

Are you ready to reconnect to the Earth and rise rooted?




  • Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine - Herbal Medicine Making Course | 2020

    This was my first herbalism course, and the doorway that began my journey towards a more rooted life.

  • The Herbal Academy - Intermediate Herbal Course | 2021

  • One Willow Apothecaries - Intuitive Plant Medicine Course | 2021

    I love all of Asia’s work and have taken many of her courses but this is the one that resonated the most profoundly. I also thoroughly enjoyed her book “Mirrors in the Earth”.

  • The School of Evolutionary Herbalism -

    Vitalist Herbal Practitioner Program | Currently Enrolled

    Astro Herbalism | Currently Enrolled

    The information taught in this course resonates with my soul. The teachings come from an expansive place of love. I will forever be thankful for the opportunity to be immersed in this space.

  • Kreft’s Couch - Nervous System Sanctuary | Currently Enrolled

    This membership has truly expanded how I move through life.

  • Lisa Powers - Reiki Level I, II, and Master Certification | 2019

The meaning behind the name

Roots - While gardening didn’t call to me until later in life. I come from a family of women devoted to caring for growing things. I remember my great-grandmother, taking cuttings of a few different roses and rooting them in a tiny mossy spot next to her bedroom. They were incredibly delicate and she was very tender & patient with them, placing little sticks around the space to alert everyone that they were there.

She was fiercely protective of them, making space for something glorious to grow.

My mother still has one of those rose bushes - an aromatic legacy to take up space & protect the roots of your truest, wild self. Our roots are our place of safety and our energetic foundation.

In herbalism, plants like burdock, ginger, and dandelions are all roots that help bring us back to our center and balance our gut - in essence, balancing our whole selves.

And so began Roots…

Amber - Besides using amber bottles to store and protect most of my liquid concoctions, amber resin stones have protective energy and are known for their renewal & healing properties. They’re also related to the sacral chakra, which is right above the root chakra.

And so began Roots & Amber

“be both soft and wild. just like the moon. or the storm. or the sea.”

— Victoria Erickson


A few of my favorite healing practices

  • I'm ever-learning, ever-growing

    Learning is my favorite pastime as a 5/1 Manifesting Generator. After internalizing new knowledge, I love to simplify what I’ve learned in a creative, meaningful way, making it more accessible to others.

  • Walking is my favorite medicine

    Whether by sunlight or moonlight - walking is my free therapy, and where I can just be. I also love to walk and listen to a good audiobook like Clarissa Pinkola Estes. “Women Who Run with the Wolves.”

  • Lemongrass & Tulsi are my favorite herbs

    Lemongrass is great for soothing overactive nerves and is the base for one of my favorite tinctures (for a night of cozy & comforting sleep). I also love that Lemongrass has boundaries & will slice your skin if not handled properly. While the seeds of Tulsi are the tiniest little things, they grow into massive stalks. Tulsi is an adaptogen that helps your body adjust to stressors & is known to nourish the spirit & mind. And of course, Tulsi and Lemongrass both smell wonderful!